1. |
劉康。《對話的喧聲 : 巴赫汀文化理論述評》。臺北 : 麥田,2005。 |
2. |
沈華柱。《對話的妙悟︰巴赫金語言哲學思想研究》。上海:三聯書店,2005。 |
3. |
劉建基(導讀)。《巴赫汀派》。臺北市:文建會,2010。 |
4. |
馬耀民。《納博可夫的「說吧, 記憶」: 一個巴赫汀式的描述》。學位論文,1988。 |
5. |
黃逸民。《論陰性 : 西蘇、依莉伽蕊、克莉絲蒂娃與巴赫汀的連結》。學位論文,2000。 |
6. |
王德威。〈玫瑰,玫瑰我怎麼愛你?〉。《眾聲喧嘩》。台北:遠流,1988,頁239-256。 |
7. |
馬耀民。〈作者、正文、讀者──巴赫汀的《對話論》〉。《文學的後設思考:當代文學理論家》。呂政惠主編。台北:正中書局,1991,頁49-77。 |
8. |
詹宏志。〈從遠方凝視戰爭〉。《第五號屠宰場》。馮內果原著,洛夫譯。台北:麥田,1994,頁13-21。 |
9. |
馮內果。《第五號屠宰場》。洛夫譯。台北:麥田,1994。 |
10. |
Frank Farmer. Landmark essays on Bakhtin, rhetoric, and writing. New York: Routledgs, 2009 |
11. |
Tim Beasley-Murray. Mikhail Bakhtin and Walter Benjamin. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. |
12. |
Carolyn M. Shields. Bakhtin Primer. New York: Peter Lang, 2007. |
13. |
Bakhtin Mikhail. The Dialogic Imagination. Trans. Caryl Emerson & Michael Holquist. Ed. Michael Holquist. Austen: Texas UP, 1981. |
14. |
Bakhtin Mikhail. Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics. Trans. & Ed. Caryl Emerson. Minneapolis: Minnesota UP, 1984. |
15. |
Bakhtin Mikhail. Rabelais and His World. Trans. Helene Iswolsky. Massachusetts: The M.I.T. Press, 1968. |
1. |
Johae, Antony. Reading Carnival into Notting Hill. Literature Film Quarterly 2009, 37 (4), 270-282. |
2. |
Graf, Anastasia, Representing the Other: A Conversation among Mikhail Bakhtin, Elizabeth Bishop, and Wisława Szymborska. Comparative Literature 2005 Winter, 57(1), 84-99. |
3. |
Hale, Dorothy J. Bakhtin in African American Literary Theory. ELH 1994 Summer, 61(2), 445-71. |
4. |
Erdinast-Vulcan, Daphna. Borderline Subjectivity: The Futurity of the Present in Bakhtin's Work. Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas 2010 Jan, 8 (1), 169-183. |
5. |
Poole, Brian. Bakhtin and Cassirer: The Philosophical Origins of Bakhtin's Carnival Messianism. South Atlantic Quarterly 1998 Summer-Fall, 97 (3-4), 537-78. |
1. | The Bakhtin Centre
(The University of Sheffield) |
2. |
Baklit Blog from the University of Brazilia (in Portuguese) |
3. | |
4. |
(in Portuguese) |