威尼斯商人(The Merchant of Venice)

導讀 (2006.9製作)


劇情介紹:本段影片為Portia 扮成律師而進行法庭判例的情況。 劇中Portia以The Quality of Mercy一段話,希望能改變和打動Shylock的心意,但仍為Shylock拒絕,而堅持要取Antonio的一磅肉。 最後 Portia 要用什麼方法解決此問題呢?請看該劇即可知曉。



The quality of mercy is not strain'd;
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.
'Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown;
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
But mercy is above this sceptred sway,
It is enthroned in the hearts of kings,
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God's
When mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Jew,
Though justice be thy plea, consider this,
That in the course of justice none of us
Should see salvation; we do pray for mercy,
And that same prayer doth teach us all to render
The deeds of mercy. I have spoke thus much
To mitigate the justice of thy plea,
Which if thou follow, this strict court of Venice
Must needs give sentence 'gainst the merchant there.